TechnoLab_V8 Download Last Version version
- Reading with IOnePro when color dialog as being close now reopen the color dialog to show the result and ask for confirmation.
- Reading spots with IOnePro now support shot with the hard button on the spectrophotometer.
- Reading with IOnePro charts now let the user after read in stripe to correct the read with spot reading value.
- Deleting a configuration now work in only one shot.
- Start from Zero now work without warning messages.
- Now Assembly Jobs windows do not interrupt working to show diagrams.
- Screened configuration now work correctly and do not stop forever.
- Resize Output: “Best fit never enlarge”, “Do not reduce if less than 10%”, “Scale to fit” now work correctly.
- Automatic configuration creation set correctly “Light cartridge max” and “Inks on calibration” correctly for Techno IN certified paper for 1440 dpi printing resolution.
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